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The Study of Post-Graduate Expectations of Youth
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Uploaded: 17.10.2023
Content: Курсовая исследование послевузовских ожиданий молодежи - 26%.rar 63,7 kB
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25 $ | the discount is | 10% |
Product description
Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theory of Research 5
1.1. Description of the problem situation and formulation of the research problem 5
1.2. Selection of the research object 7
1.3 Definition of the subject of research 8
1.4 Definition of research goals and objectives 8
1.5. Theoretical interpretation of the basic concepts 8
1.6. Empirical and operational interpretation of the basic concepts 9
1.7. Preliminary system analysis of the research object 15
1.8. Nomination and Formulation of Hypotheses 16
Chapter 2. Procedural part of the study program 18
2.1. The method of forming a sample 18
2.2 Characteristics of the research toolkit 19
2.3 Description of the procedure for collecting primary information and a task for processing primary information 19
Section 3. Result of the study 20
Conclusion 28
References 31
Additional information
The object of this course work is students who receive higher education in various specialties in the period of 2011 in Omsk.
The subject of the study in the course work is the post-graduate expectations of young people.
The purpose of this course work is to study the post-graduate expectations of young people.
On the basis of the goal, let us single out a number of tasks:
1. To identify the main problems in the labor market of youth in Russia;
2. To conduct research on post-graduate expectations of young people;
3. To assess the main trends and preferences of young people in terms of job search.
This course work is based on the following methods: methodological literature, periodicals and textbooks on the problem under study.
Novelty of the research - the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the problems arising at graduates of high schools at employment is given.
Practical significance of the results. The obtained results have an important conceptual pragmatic significance, allow to form an adequate picture of the genesis and status of poorly protected categories of the population in the regional labor market. Course work materials can be used in the practical work of the employment service, including the specialized centers for employment of women and youth.
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