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The Test of the Concept of Determinism in Natural Scien
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6. Concepts of determinism
in natural science
6.1. Laplacian determinism is based:
A) on the understanding of causality as unambiguous and permanent;
B) on the understanding of the surrounding reality;
B) on the connection between nature and man; D) on the principle of selection?
6.2. Statistical determinism is:
A) mental allocation of an object;
B) the divergence of the energy flows of the system;
B) the doctrine of the structure of a logical organization;
D) the result of the interaction of a large number of elements individually determined in accordance with other types of determination?
6.3. The basis of classical mechanics is:
A) three Newton´s laws;
B) the Darwinian triad;
C) Laplacian determinism;
D) Is there no right answer?
6.4. Acceleration is:
A) increase in speed;
B) the change in speed per unit time;
B) the derivative of the velocity;
D) are all the answers correct?
6.5. What does Newton´s first law say:
A) if there is no force, the acceleration is zero, and the motion takes place rectilinearly and at a constant speed;
B) the acceleration of the body is proportional to simply the force acting on this body, and the proportionality coefficient does not depend on the nature of the force;
B) Two bodies act on each other by forces that are numerically equal in opposite directions along the straight line connecting the points of application of these forces;
D) on the reciprocity of the mechanical effect of forces on each other?
6.6. What is Newton´s second law:
A) two bodies act on each other by forces that are numerically equal in opposite directions along a straight line connecting the points of application of these forces;
B) on the reciprocity of the mechanical effect of forces on each other;
B) the acceleration of the body is proportional to the simple force acting on this body, and the proportionality coefficient does not depend on the nature of the force;
D) if there is no force, the acceleration is zero, and the motion is rectilinear and at a constant speed?
6.7. What does Newton´s third law say:
A) the acceleration of the body is proportional to the force acting on this body, and the coefficient of proportionality does not depend on the nature of the force;
B) Two bodies act on each other by forces that are numerically equal in opposite directions along the straight line connecting the points of application of these forces;
B) If there is no force, the acceleration is zero, and the motion occurs rectilinearly and at a constant speed; D) Is there no right answer?
6.8. A closed system is:
A) a system that does not exchange energy or substance with the environment;
B) a system that exchanges with the environment;
B) a system that does not exchange energy with the environment;
D) A system that does not exchange with the environment only matter?
6.9. An open system is:
A) a system that does not exchange energy only with the environment;
B) a system that does not exchange with the environment only matter;
B) a system that does not exchange energy or substance with the environment;
D) a system that exchanges energy and substance with the environment?
6.10. The second law of thermodynamics is called:
A) the law of conservation and transformation of energy;
B) the law of increasing entropy;
B) the law of conservation of mass;
D) Is there no right answer?
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