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The world economy 11 practical questions with answers
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Task 1.
In the commodity structure of Russian exports occupy third place equipment and vehicles, in 2003 they accounted for 7.0% of exports. In the commodity structure of world exports, their share is 39.7%. To determine whether this product group to the area of \u200b\u200bspecialization of Russia in the international trade.
Task 2.
Determine which countries listed in the table av¬tomobili up area of \u200b\u200bspecialization in international trade if the share of this product in world trade is 5.3%.
Task 3.
Price £ Rec., and the corresponding amount of demand for GBP given in the table:
Task 5.
Analyze the Russian balance of payments data for 2005. (Annex to the tutorial page. 26). Define:
A) the balance of goods and services;
B) investment income;
B) direct investments;
D) portfolio investments;
E) other investments;
E) the amount of cash in foreign and national currency;
F) trade credits and advances granted;
B) trade credits and advances borrowed.
Task 6.
There are 2 options of credit supply equipment to Russia.
1) The loan amount 600 million. Rub., The interest rate is 8 per cent per annum, the average loan term of 4.5 years.
2) The loan amount 600 million. Rub., The interest rate of 9 percent per annum, the average loan term of 5 years.
Determine the cost of credit for each of the options and which option is more favorable for the Russian side, provided that the market interest rate is 13% per annum.
Task 7.
In 2003, the share of mineral fuels in world trade was 10.3%, chemical products - 10.9%.
In the commodity structure of export of Russia the share of these sectors was 53 and 4.4%, respectively. Determine which of these industries is an area of \u200b\u200bspecialization Russian.
Task 8.
Calculate the net present value of the project, which requires to pay for it today, 1 million. USD., And which promises to bring 800 thousand. USD. For each of the next 2 years. Because of the risk of existing company requires 16% rate of return.
Task 9.
Crude oil accounts for 5.2% of world trade; Azerbaijan exports its share is 71.4%, UK - 5.5%, Saudi Arabia - 80%, Sudan - 3.9% Kata¬ra - 68%, Norway - 44.4%, Malaysia -3.4 % of Australia - 5.3%, Libya - 80.3%. Which of the following countries spetsiali¬ziruyutsya to trade crude oil?
Task 10.
The export of Russian raw timber accounts for only 1.5%. Nevertheless, we know that this product is the subject of the specialization of the Russian economy. Prove it, given that world trade, accounting for 0.12%.
The share of cars in the US export is 2.8%, and spare parts for them - 4.1%. Determine which of these products is subject to US expertise in international trade if the share of cars in the world trade is 5.3%, and spare parts - 2.5%. Explain why you think so.
Task 11.
The share of cotton in world trade is 0.12%. Which countries are listed in the table, specialize in the sale of this product?
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