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The world economy control ENGECON
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2.2. Using statistical data provided in the annexes of these guidelines, do the necessary calculations and determine, based on the results of ten leading countries in terms of economic power. Analyze changes in their list in 1990 and 2005
3.8. The task. Dumping of foreign trade. Initial data. Companies A, B and C are exporting goods to the United States. Questions and tasks: Which of the three firms exporting goods may be accused of dumping in the US market?
5.5. The task. Speculation on the current and forward market.
Initial data. Imagine that the spot rate of the euro is 1.46 dollars. US 90-day forward rate - 1.48 dollars. US, while your own forecast spot rate at 90 days - 1.51 dollars. USA.
Questions and tasks: Determine what is the premium or discount on forward transactions. If your forecast is correct, what will be your income (loss) from investments 4,000 dollars. US spot market? What are the risks associated with such speculation? If the forecast is correct, what would be the profit (loss) on investments 4,000 dollars. US forward market? What are the risks inherent in this speculation?
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