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- 1059
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Train Sim World RuhrSieg Nord Hagen Finnentrop DL
Refunds: 0
Content: unique code 16 symbols
Product description
Full title:
Train Sim World RuhrSieg Nord Hagen Finnentrop Route AddOn (steam key) - RU
Release date: August 16, 2018.
Age rating: 6
Developer: Dovetail Games
Publisher: Dovetail
Localization: Russian (interface and subtitles)
Activation system: Steam
Region: Russia
⚡ Attention! To run requires the presence of the game Train Sim World.
HISTORICAL GERMANY: Deep valleys, sharp turns and scenic views - all this you will see in the game Train Sim World: Ruhr-Sieg Nord, recreating one of the oldest railways in Germany. Manage trains on the famous Ruhr Valley routes and try to keep within the schedule. Every detail of this route, each traffic light and signal sign look as if they can be touched.
POWER AND OPPORTUNITY: Carry cargo and passengers by rail. etc. Ruhr-Sieg. You will conduct powerful locomotives on the winding railway tracks of the Ruhr Valley, trying to deliver the goods on time. You can enjoy the characteristic views and sounds of the German railways - as a machinist, passenger or simply an observer.
ATTENTION TO DETAILS: Take control of the famous electric locomotives: cargo DB BR 185.2 and cargo DB DB 143. Due to the precise modeling of electrical processes with the participation of technical specialists and attraction of real data, locomotives in the game act, sound and look like real ones.
ENCOURAGING REALIZATION: Train Sim World®: Ruhr-Sieg Nord is suitable for players of all levels: you will find available lessons for beginners and advanced management procedures for experienced machinists. In the game Train Sim World, you can and carelessly drive the train, and act like a real professional, following all the instructions. Experience all the charms of passenger transportation by exploring the highly detailed route presented in the Ruhr-Sieg Nord supplement!
MACHINEIST, PASSENGER OR OBSERVER: Decide for yourself, what kind of business do you like in Train Sim World: Ruhr-Sieg Nord. Drive the trains, delivering passengers at the station exactly on schedule, or try on the role of the passenger, viewing the landscapes and watching the work of the railway. Why not go to a photo shoot and take some wonderful shots with trains or continue searching for the missing collection items? Only you can choose what to do today in Train Sim World: Ruhr-Sieg Nord.
Key Features:
62 km of the Ruhr-Sieg Nord routes from Hagen to Finnentrop.
DB BR 185.2 in the bright red DB color scheme.
DB BR 143 in the bright red DB color scheme.
DB DoSto double-deck wagons with a control car in a bright red DB coloring.
Freight wagons Shimmns-TTU 722, Shimmns-U 708, Habbiins 344 and Roos-t 645.
Detailed cabs with precisely recreated controls, fully conveying the sensations of controlling real locomotives.
Sounds of rolling stock recorded from real locomotives.
Five fascinating detailed transport scenarios.
75 collection items, including broken searchlights, route schemes, a crutch hammer and the signs "Entrance is forbidden".
Convenient training for DB BR 185.2, DB BR 143 and the DoSto DABbuzfa control car, which will help you get comfortable quickly.
A detailed 24-hour traffic schedule in the "Train" mode.
Work under the control of the own engine dynamics of rolling stock Dovetail Games SimuGraph® and technology Unreal Engine 4®.
Additional information
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