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Trilogy Sergei Sadova Knight of the Order Book 1
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Uploaded: 01.02.2002
Content: knight.zip 397,96 kB
Product description
These books are written in the style of fantasy you will carry away from the wonderful world of magic from which space will depend on the fate of all mankind.
The book reads very easily, almost in the same breath. Honestly I do not regret it.
Additional information
Grand Master was sitting in his favorite armchair by the fireplace and indulged
gloomy reflections. There remained the last hope that some will be found not
require such victims, way. However, the wizard does not really believed in it. In life
somehow always goes wrong, you want to ...
... The Council is the first to see the threat to peace that
It was still a small, inconspicuous, but every century grew, casting an ominous shadow
for the future. Thirty years working Magee, trying to stop the threat and today ...
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