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Trilogy Sergei Sadova "Knight of the Order" Book2
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Uploaded: 01.02.2002
Content: knight2.zip 386,55 kB
Product description
These books are written in the style of fantasy you will carry away from the wonderful world of magic from which space will depend on the fate of all mankind.
The book reads very easily, almost in the same breath. Honestly you will not regret
Additional information
All my feelings of Knight of the Order were on edge. Here I was literally skin
I felt that the werewolf reached out to grab me. A moment before
Then I suddenly braked sharply and sat down, turned on one foot, and
another made a circular motion. With barely keep his balance on the narrow wall. The
Saiva this technique is called "Spit". One foot werewolf hit the other, he
He swung sharply to one side. Keep his balance he had no chance ...
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