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Trilogy Sergei Sadova "Knight of the Order" kniga3
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Uploaded: 01.02.2002
Content: knight3.zip 536,41 kB
Product description
These books are written in the style of fantasy you will carry away from the wonderful world of magic from which space will depend on the fate of all mankind.
The book reads very easily, almost in the same breath. Honestly I do not regret it.
Additional information
Tanya picked up their belongings and quickly entered the open door for me. Elwing
followed. Olga, not waiting for an invitation, took a deep breath, for some reason delayed
breathing and with his eyes closed, head down, ran out the door. The last entered
I. The last thing I saw from yet another blow to the room door and staggered
sagged. Another blow it obviously will not stand. But it is no longer interested me.
The door slammed shut, fencing off us from the magical world. I was back home ...
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