TSU GOSam Answers to questions on the Legal 105 2016

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TSU GOSam Answers to questions on the Legal 105 2016 TSU GOSam Answers to questions on the Legal 105 2016 TSU GOSam Answers to questions on the Legal 105 2016 TSU GOSam Answers to questions on the Legal 105 2016 TSU GOSam Answers to questions on the Legal 105 2016

QUESTIONS FOR PREPARATION TO INTEGRATED sovereigns-governmental exams ( "Civil Law", "Criminal Law", "Constitutional Right") for students enrolled in the direction 030900.62 "jurisprudence"

Section "Civil Law"

1. Concept, subject and method branch of civil law.
2. civil relations: concept, content, base-originated novena.
3. The legal capacity of citizens.
4. Legal entities: legal characteristics, classification.
5. Creating a legal entity.
6. The liquidation of the legal entity.
7. General characteristics of the legal status of household goods, substances.
8. General description of the legal status of economic entities.
9. Definition and classification of things, the rules of their turnover.
10. Concept and types of securities, rules of their turnover.
11. Intangible benefits and their protection.
12. Transactions: concept, types, shapes. Invalidity of transactions.
13. Representation and power of attorney.
14. Terms of civil law. Limitation of actions.
15. The concept, content ownership.
16. Grounds for acquisition and termination of property rights.
17. Common ownership.
18. Protection of property rights and other rights.
19. Concept and types of civil liabilities.
20. Performance of obligations. Termination of obligations.
21. Enforcement obligations.
22. Civil-law contract: concept, types and content.
23. The order of the conclusion, modification and termination of civil contracts.
24. General characteristics of the contract of sale.
25. A contract of retail sale.
26. Delivery Contract.
27. The contract of donation.
28. General characteristic of the lease.
29. General characteristics of the contract.
30. Loan Agreement. The loan agreement.
31. General characteristics of the insurance contract.
32. Liability for damage to life and health of the citizen.
33. Characteristics of hereditary relations.
34. The subject, object and content of copyright.
35. The subject, object and content of patent rights.

Additional information

Section "criminal law"

1. Concept, object, method, and system tasks, functions and principles of Hugo-inal law.
2. Concept and characteristics of the criminal law. The concept of criminal legal norm and its structure.
3. Applicability of the criminal law in time, space and number of persons.
4. The interpretation of the criminal law and its species.
5. Concept and signs of a crime. Categories of crimes.
6. The concept of crime and its elements and attributes. Types of crimes.
7. The concept of the object of the crime and its symptoms. Types of objects crime-ment. The concept of crime and its object of criminal - legal significance.
8. The concept of the objective side of the offense, its symptoms and their criminal - legal significance.
9. The concept and features of the perpetrator. Special subject of pre-offenses and criminal - legal significance.
10. The concept of the subjective side of the offense, its symptoms and their criminal - legal significance.
11. Concept and types of errors. Their criminal - legal significance.
12. The concept, characteristics and forms of multiple crimes.
13. Concept and kinds of sophisticated single crime.
14. Concept and types of unfinished crime.
15. Voluntary renunciation of the crime and its symptoms.
16. The concept and features of complicity in the crime. Forms and types soucha-ners in crime.
17. The implication in the crime. Forms implications.
18. The concept, characteristics and types of criminal defenses. Necessary defense and the conditions of its legality.
19. The concept and features of criminal responsibility. Its social noun-ness and principles. The appearance and shape of the implementation of the criminal of liability.
20. The concept and features of punishment. The objectives of punishment.
21. The system of classification and punishment. Forms of punishment.
22. General principles of sentencing.
23. Concept and types of exemption from criminal liability.
24. Release from criminal punishment. Concept and types.
25. The concept of compulsory medical measures. Their views. Serpent-tion and cancellation of forced measures of medical characterized Tera.
26. The concept of confiscation of property. Legal nature, purposes Prima-tion of the measures under criminal law.
27. Concept and kinds of crimes against life. Incitement to suicide-tion.
28. Concept and kinds of crimes against health. Legal-characterized acteristic intentional infliction of serious harm to health.
29. Crimes against personal freedom. Differentiation of the illegal if, their liberty, kidnapping and hostage-taking.
30. Concept and kinds of crimes against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual. Rape. Structure and types of crime-ment.
31. Crimes against property. theft concept. Theft as a form of theft. Structure and types of crime.
32. Extortion. Structure and types of crime. The difference from the adjacent structures of crimes.
33. Concept and kinds of crimes against interests of service in commer-ray and other organizations. Criminally-legal characteristic of commercial bribery.
34. Disorder. Structure and types of crime. The difference from the Wanda-ism.
35. Concept and kinds of crimes against the state. Recipients of bribes. Structure and types of crime.


1. Constitutional law of Russia as a branch of law: a system object, Me-Todd.
2. Constitutional and legal norms. The concept, features, types.
3. Concept and kinds of constitutional sources


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