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Tutorial: Novelty research OBJECTS
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Product description
Tutorial "Novelty research facilities" / VV Shvedova / UDC 347.77, BBK 67.404.3. The textbook for students and trainees RGIIS - M .: Russian State Institute of Intellectual Property. (RGIIS), 2006 - 278.
ISBN 5-89508-0 35 - 9
Author: Ph.D., Associate Professor VV Shvedova
Reviewers: Professor kafedryk MT-11 MSTU. NE Bauman, Ph.D. EA Deulin
Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, DI Kokurin
Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation, reg. 346, PhD VP Banzakova
Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation, reg. 756, Department of patent and licensing work of OAO "LUKOIL" IV Rybakov
The head of the patent department of FSUE "NPC AP them. Academician NA Pilyugin" V.A.Shkoda
The textbook is designed for students and students of all forms of education of the Russian State Institute of Intellectual Property, specializing in the creation, protection and commercial exploitation of intellectual property.
The tutorial provides a theoretical and practical material that will help students understand the rather complicated issues related to patent clearance. It can be used by patent employees and patent attorneys conducting this kind of research.
Additional information
Section I. The patent is the subject. General Terms and Concepts
Section II. Posted in General methods of examination of objects on the patent clearance
Chapter 1. Assessment of conditions and the choice of optimal methods of examination
Chapter 2. Learning the features of patent law in respect of which is checked-infringement
Chapter 3. Selection of technical solutions and other elements to be checked on-infringement
Chapter 4. Selecting components (purchased) products and semi-finished products to be checked on-infringement
Chapter 5. Selection of the technical documentation for examination for patent cleanliness
Chapter 6. Determination of classification
Chapter 7. Choice of patent documentation, which will be held on Novelty research facility
Chapter 8. Develop expertise and agreement on a patent clearance
Chapter 9. Searching, ordering and selection of patent documents for further analysis
Section III. Detailed analysis of the patent documents
Section IV. Doctrine of equivalents
Section V. Recommendations on the feasibility of an object
Section VI. Features of the Novelty research facilities for industrial designs and trademarks
Chapter 1. Industrial Designs
Chapter 2: Trademarks, service marks, appellations of origin, trade names
Section VII. Objects of copyright, which must be considered in the study of patent cleanliness
Chapter 1. Computer programs and databases
Chapter 2. Some other intellectual property that must be considered in the study of patent cleanliness
Section VIII. Documentation of the results of the research facilities on patent clearance
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