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Content: unique code 16 symbols

Product description

<Attention> Gift subscriptions (SAB) to the twitch channel you specified. Random people in the chat will receive gift subscriptions to your selected channel
When you pay, specify Nickname on Twitch Stream.

Level 1 subscription, makes you sabo on the channel of the strider and gives access to all smiley, is valid for 30 days!

If you are already sabs at the streeter, we will not be able to give you a sub, as the sub can be given to everyone except those who are sabs, please order Sab on the channels where you are not sabo! If you are blocked on the cutlery channel subscription to you to give it impossible!

<Delivery> Important! This is not a prime! Real subscription for 4.99 $ </ Delivery>

Level subscription 1.
Subscription - a great way to support your favorite strife and at the same time get advantage!

- View channel without advertising (for some exceptions).
- Chat in "Only for subscribers" and without a slow chat mode.
- Access to broadcasts for subscribers.
- Instantly open the first icon for subscribers and express your support.

Twitch Gift Subscriptions Sub </ Attention>

Additional information


In order to receive the goods, you must have an affiliate or affiliate program connected.

- In order for us to start fulfilling the order, after the purchase, you must contact us and provide a unique code (16 characters) that is provided to you after payment and is intended exclusively for the seller.

ATTENTION! : The seller is not responsible for the possible consequences (blocking, writing off, closing the channel, etc.) for the Twitch Account you specified.
All risks and problems fall on the shoulders of the buyer after the order is completed. The buyer agrees not to make a complaint if his account receives any restrictions from the Twitch organization.


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In order to counter copyright infringement and property rights, we ask you to immediately inform us at the fact of such violations and to provide us with reliable information confirming your copyrights or rights of ownership. Email must contain your contact information (name, phone number, etc.)

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