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Uploaded: 16.04.2013
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Product description
Information assembly contains 48 files on reactive power compensation in the format drawings AutoCAD DWG.
The drawings in AutoCAD DWG format
1. Wiring sections of capacitors (parallel, serial, parallel-to-serial).
2. Plans capacitor above 1000V with integrated discharge resistors.
3. Connection diagrams for discharge resistors KU.
4. The wiring diagram of capacitor units 380.
5. Connectivity condensing units to the network.
6. Schematic diagram of the channel frequency communication lines.
7. Schematic diagram of the power take-off from the power lines.
8. Schematics capacitor units 3 - 10 kV.
9. Electric capacitor units 6 - 10 kW with three condenser units in two sections.
10. Wiring apart KU to electric grids.
11. Wiring diagram condenser installations in distribution networks.
12. regulating circuit condensing units.
13. Wiring CG with two single-phase transformers of NOM.
14. Wiring installation longitudinal capacitive compensation (CCP).
15. The electrical wiring diagram step ASO.
16. The concept of static var compensator consisting of reactors and managed a forced capacitor bank.
17. Schematic diagrams boost capacity condensing units.
18. Wiring harmonic filters with a common switch for all groups of condensing units.
19. Wiring harmonic filters with a switch on each group of the capacitor bank.
20. Connection diagram of reactors and capacitors in power filters.
21. Drawing layout harmonic filter device, consisting of four KU 6 kV reactors.
22. The circuit device of one group harmonic filter consisting of condenser units 6 kV and three single-phase reactors connected in star.
23. Wiring a single phase 35 kV capacitor bank into a star.
24. The concept of protection of rotating machines by atmospheric surge.
25. Schematic diagram of the connection of 35 kV capacitor banks for reactive power compensation of ferroalloy furnace.
26. Schematic diagram of the connection of 35 kV capacitor banks for power factor correction phase grafitirovochnyh furnaces.
27. The scheme of reactive power compensation unit auxiliary shops Pipe Plant 6 kV.
28. The scheme of the direct connection of the capacitor bank for power transformers through the cell 6 kV.
29. Driving a single-stage automatic regulation of KU voltage single voltage relay.
30. Wiring choke (reactor) to the condenser PM.
31. Scheme of a three-phase switching compensator PM by a contactor and current-limiting resistors.
32. Wiring diagram control reactive power VMtec.
33. Electrical schematic diagram of an unregulated PFC 0,4 kW 50 kVAr (according to the drawings of "BEMP").
34. Electrical schematic diagram of an unregulated PFC 0,4 kW kvar 150 (according to the drawings of "BEMP").
35. Typical circuit diagrams LC-filters.
36. Electrical schematic diagram of an adjustable PFC 0,4 kW kvar 300 (according to the drawings of "BEMP").
37. The circuit input unregulated cell MRC 6.3 kW kVAr 1800 (according to the drawings of "BEMP").
38. Wiring unregulated KRM 6.3 kW kVAr 1800 (according to the drawings of "BEMP").
39. The scheme of the cells controlled PFC input 6.3 kW kVAr 2700 (according to the drawings of "BEMP").
40. Wiring adjustable PFC 6,3 kW kVAr in 2700 (according to the drawings of "BEMP").
41. Related Symbols current-limiting equipment and reactive power compensators (standard JSC "FGC UES").
42. Driving adjustable shunt capacitor bank 10 (6) kV (standard JSC "FGC UES").
43. Driving adjustable shunt capacitor bank 35 kW (standard JSC "FGC UES").
44. Wiring synchronous condensers (standard JSC "FGC UES").
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