Управление трудовыми ресурсами. Тесты МЭИ (16 заданий)

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Task 1
Question 1. The population understood
1. a set of people who are in a particular area;
2. The set of people living in a particular area;
3. The totality of the people living in a particular area and beyond.
Question 2. Human resources - is
1. The working-age population, which, possessing the physical and mental capabilities, capable of producing material goods or provide services;
2. The working-age population, which is capable of producing material goods or provide services;
3. The working-age population, which, possessing the physical and mental capabilities.
Question 3. Human resources consist of
1. The actual workers;
2. potential employees;
3. The actual and potential employees.
Question 4: The physical and intellectual abilities are dependent on
1. The age of the person;
2. The formation of man;
3. human health.
Question 5: Under the reproduction of the population refers to
1. The process of continuous renewal of generations;
2. The process of interaction between fertility and mortality;
3. The process of continuous renewal of generations of people from the interaction of births and deaths.

Task 2
Question 1. For expanded reproduction characteristic
1. The excess of deaths over births;
2. The excess of births over the number of deaths;
3. equality of the number of births and number of deaths.
Question 2. For simple reproduction characteristic
1. The equality of the number of births and deaths;
2. The excess of deaths over births;
3. The excess of births over the number of deaths.
Question 3. narrowed reproduction characteristic
1. The excess of births over the number of deaths;
2. The equality of the number of births and deaths;
3. The excess of deaths over births.
Question 4. Natural population growth is called
1. The difference between the number of births and deaths with a negative result;
2. The difference between the number of births and deaths with a positive result;
3. The difference between the number of births and deaths at a zero result.
Question 5: Average annual population determined
1. The mid-year as the arithmetic mean of the population at the beginning and end of the year, or by adding to the initial half of the population growth;
2. The mid-year as the geometric mean of the population at the beginning and end of the year, or by adding to the initial half of the population growth;
3. The mid-year as the average chronological population at the beginning and end of the year, or by adding to the initial half of the population growth.

Activity 3
Question 1. Census - is
1. specially organized selective observation;
2. specially organized group supervision;
3. Solid specially organized observation.
Question 2. The critical moment is chosen so that
1. The mechanical movement of the population was the highest;
2.mehanicheskoe population movement has been minimal;
3. The mechanical movement of the population missing.
Question 3: Resident population - a
1. permanently residing in the locality, regardless of the actual place of residence at the date of
2. permanently residing in the locality;
3. living in this village, regardless of the actual place of residence at the date of registration.
Question 4. Present population - a
1. permanently residing in the locality;
2. are at the time of the census in the place of permanent residence;
3.fakticheski located in the territory at the time of registration, regardless of domicile.
Question 5. temporarily residing considered
1.nahodyaschiesya at the time of the census outside the place of permanent residence;
2. absent in the place of permanent residence;
3. actually located in that territory at the time of registration, regardless of domicile.

Additional information

Task 4
Question 1 is called internal migration
1. The displacement of people within the region;
2.'peremeschenie population within the country;
3. ' moving from one residence to another.
Question 2. The external migration is called
1. The movement of people from one region of the country to another;
2. moving from one residence to another;
3. The movement of people from one country to another.
Question 3. The balance of migration reflects
1.mehanichesky growth or population decline;
2. natural growth or population decline;
3. The number of people left the country.
Question 4. Economically active population - a
1. The proportion of the population, offering labor in the labor market;
2 ,. of the population, ensuring the supply of labor for the production of goods and services;
3. The proportion of the population engaged in the production of goods and services.
Question 5. The current active population
1.izmeryaetsya observed in a relatively short period (one day or one week);
2 over a relatively long period (typically one year);
3. both answers are wrong.

Task 5
Question 1. Economically inactive naselenie- it
1. The unemployed population;
2. The population is not employed and not worth registered in employment agencies;
3.naselenie, which is not included in the labor force.
Question 2. The size of the economically inactive population includes the following categories:
1. pupils and students, students and students attending evening schools;
2. Pupils and students, students and students who go to day schools; 3. The pupils and students, students and students attending schools in absentia.
Question 3. The absolute increase in the labor force is defined as
1. The difference between the size of the labor force at the beginning and end of the reporting period;
2. The difference between the number of economically active population at the beginning and end of the period under review;
3. The difference between the economically active and inactive population.
Question 4. The rate of growth is seen as
1. The ratio of the absolute value of the labor force in the beginning of the period to their value at the end of the period;
2. The ratio of the absolute increase in the labor force over the period to their value at the beginning of the period;
3.otnoshenie absolute value of the labor force at the end of the period to their value at the beginning of the period
Question 5. The labor potential of a society is determined
1. The ability to reproduce it;
2. its ability to participate in the labor market;
3. its ability to engage in economic activities, ie, create wealth and services.

Task 6
Question 1. The working population includes
1. The population of working age;
2. The population outside working age engaged in economic activities;
3. The population of working age, as well as the population outside working age engaged in economic activities.
Question 2. The labor force - is
1. The population of jobseekers;
2. The population employed labor;
3. The population of able-bodied.
Question 3. In the payroll included
1. all permanent employees;
2. all permanent, seasonal and temporary workers;
3. all seasonal and temporary workers.
Question 4. recruiting number shows
1 .chislo all employees;
2. The number of employees of all working days, divided by the number of days of operation of the enterprise;
3. The number of employees present themselves for work.
Question 5. Working time - it
1. The part of the calendar of time spent on production or performance of a certain type of work;
2. The part of the standard-issue time spent on production or performance of a certain type of work;
3. The part of the standard time spent on production or performance of a certain type of work.


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