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V.Denisov - Way to Christie. Newbie (fb2+epub)
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Uploaded: 07.12.2015
Content: Denisov_Krista2 (fb2+epub).zip 1932,96 kB
Product description
Russian engineer Darius Kvachina perfectly equipped to autumn hunting and fishing on the Yenisei. Provided virtually everything, down to the Imager. The only thing that has not provided Kvachina that in the heat of the chase for the wild ducks he fails with the boat and all gear ... in a mysterious place where the muddy waters of the river crossing the unfamiliar tropical jungle.
Kvachina no illusions, he knew that no earthly power is not capable of such a trick. The skilled person in a difficult situation, to rely only on themselves, but still Kvachina feel confident when I learned that the world´s hottest planet Christa popadanets not the only one on Earth ...
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