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VAG VIN Decoder - check mileage history Light report
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 26.05.2017
Product description
We do an online check of VAG cars: Audi, Seat, Skoda, Volkswagen by VIN code (VAG VIN report)
To order the report you need:
In the order form, specify the VIN code of your car, click the BUY button, go through the payment process, we received a notification, we will check the VIN and send a PDF file with the result of the check to your email.
The deadline for submitting the report is approximately 3 hours to 4 working days (weekend accept applications but make them on Monday)
Important information:
Data in the database has been stored since 2003 for all car models, for some cars there is information since 1993, but this is a rarity.
Data is available only on official services (Official Dealers) VAG: Audi, Seat, Skoda, Volkswagen (Worldwide)
Porsche is not available for us, do not order a check for them.
Wholesale buyers are given discounts.
List of available data (engine, body, body color, custom options (package), Dealer History Report (VAG: Audi, Seat, Skoda, Volkswagen VIN Check)
Displays: Date and Run when the car visited the dealer
According to the report, it can be seen if the run was twisted
ATTENTION: In case of an error during the ordering process (in the VIN number or car brand), you will receive a cancellation of the order with a deduction of 15% of the site commission and payment systems of the service cost. If you do not agree with this statement, please refrain from ordering the service.
Additional information
Immediately after payment you will receive a form to fill in the registration data, in which you will have to fill out the following fields:
- The e-mail address (email);
These data will be transferred to the seller to complete the purchase and sale of the goods.
2Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |