Vasiliev Chapter 6 Problem 1

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Vasiliev Chapter 6 Problem 1

6.1. Calculate the conversion factor (gravimetric factor) for the following options:

Option Determined substance Gravimetric form
1 Na2S2O3 BaSO4
2 Ba BaSO4
3 Al Al2O3
4 Na2O NaCl
5 Na NaZn(UO2)3(C2H3O2)9 6H2O
6 CaCO3 CaSO4
7 CaO CaCO3
8 Ca3(PO4)2 CaO
9 FeO Fe2O3
10 FeSO4 Fe(C6H5O2N2)3 (cupferonate)
11 H3PO4 Mg2P2O7
12 P2O5 (C9H7N)2H3PO4 12MoO3 (quinoline molybdophosphate)
13 P2O5 (NH4)3PO4 12MoO3
14 Pb3O4 PbSO4
15 Fe3O4 Fe2O3
16 N (NH4)2PtCl6
17 CuO CuSCN
18 K2O K2PtCl6
19 Ag2O AgCl
20 MoO3 (NH4)3PO4 12MoO3
21 K K2SO4
22 MgO Mg2P2O7
23 C2HCl3 (trichlorethylene) AgCl
24 C6H5 CH2Br (benzyl bromide) AgBr
25 (C6H5)2SO (diphenyl sulfoxide) BaSO4

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Read the product description. After payment, the system will redirect you to a page with a ready-made solution to problem 6.1 from the collection: Vasiliev V.P. Analytical chemistry. Collection of questions, exercises and tasks: a manual for universities / V.P. Vasiliev, L.A. Kochergina, T.D. Orlova; edited by V.P. Vasilyeva. – 4th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2006. – 318, [2] p.: ill. The solution is a document formatted in MS Word.
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