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VBA in Office 2000 training course - Vasiliev, A.Andreev
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Product description
VBA in Office 2000 training course - Vasiliev, A.Andreev
Often when working with MS Office applications there is a need to automate a particular sequence of actions to complement the new application interface windows of dialogue, toolbars, and thus enhance the ability to work with documents. To do this, MS Office developers have provided us with a tool that has a feature-rich and fairly easy to learn. This tool is the programming language Visual Basic for Applications, which will be discussed.
This book is for users of MS Office, wishing to explore the possibilities of programming in Visual Basic for Applications. It can be used for both beginner and experienced in working with VBA programmers.
In the first part (lessons 1 and 2) provides an overview of the integrated VBA development environment and its components - menus, toolbars, dialog boxes and forms. Learn about the main aspects of object-oriented programming (classes, objects, methods, properties), you get to know the variables and their types, constants, functions, and procedures, as well as ways of organizing loops and branches in the program.
In the second part of the book (lesson 3-6) discusses the means common to virtually all applications included in MS Office. Lesson 3 shows the basics of creating a graphical user interface using forms and standard controls (labels, fields, lists, checkboxes, radio buttons, and so on. N.). Further, Lesson 4 describes the possibilities of using additional controls. Lesson 5 is devoted to the presentation of the issues of programming menus and toolbars for applications MS Office. 6 In the final lesson of this part of the possibilities of programming and debugging tools in an integrated development environment VBA.
In the third part of the book (Lessons 7-12) set out the main issues of the programming of applications MS Office, including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook. Last 12 lesson of this part of the book is devoted to the technology integration of different applications package MS Office. Lessons from the seventh to the eleventh have the same structure: each begins with a description of the object hierarchy, and further there is a detailed examination of funds VBA, used to solve practical problems, and specific examples.
The fourth part of the book (Lessons 13-15) contains information on a variety of advanced Programming VBA, such as the use of graphics and multimedia, file and print organization. This part also speaks of the creation of a reference system.
In Lesson 13 you will learn VBA capabilities when working with graphics and multimedia. In the examples, you will learn how to apply them in creating spectacular and informative applications.
Lesson 14 is dedicated to working with files. It covers the following topics: the file system, text and binary files, open, close, read and write files in the file search and management of printing.
In lesson 15 deals with the establishment of the Help formats WinHelp 4.0 and HTML
The fifth part of the book (Lessons 16-17) covers a range of issues dealing with databases. In Lesson 16, provides basic information about the database. We consider such things as the yy table, field, record, normalization of tables, as well as creating data sources ODBC. In Lesson 17, provides information about database programming using VBA, and describes how to use objects of ADO (ActiveX Data Object).
The book gives a fairly complete picture of the wide range of issues, one way or another related to programming in VBA.
Year of edition: 2001
The volume of the book: 432.
File Format: DJVU
The total file size: 5.1 Mb
Date archive of 04-09-2010
Files are archived archiver WinRAR 3.80.
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