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Product description
Question 1. Features of economic development of the countries of the Ancient East; basic features about the modes of production primitive society in the era of the slave-owning.
Question 2. The economic development of Western Europe in the era of feudalism. Features of development of Russia during this period.
Question 3. Expansion of the feudal and the birth of a capitalist economy in zaparno Europe.
Question 4. The farm leading capitalist countries in the transition to imperialism (1870-1914).
Question 5. The economic development of Kievan Rus' and Russian agriculture land in the feudal period.
Question 6. The economic development of a unified Russian state XV - XVIII centuries and the importance of the reforms of Peter I.
Question 7: The crisis of the feudal system and the beginning of the development of capitalism in Russia.
Question 8. The Russian economy in the period of imperialism (1900 - 1917). And economic reforms at the turn of XIX-XX centuries
Question 9. The economy of the Soviet state in the aftermath of the October Revolution and the Civil War: a new economic policy and economic reforms in the period of NEP.
Question 10. The main features of the economic reforms of the late 20-30s and the economy of the USSR in the prewar five-year plans.
Question 11. The economy of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War and the restoration and development of the economy in 1946-1957 years.
Question 12. The economic development of the USSR in the 60-80 years; the essence and the most important economic reforms during this period.
Question 13. The collapse of the command-administrative system and the beginning of the transformation of socio-economic system of Russia.
Question 14. The current stage of economic development in Russia: Problems and prospects of overcoming difficulties.
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