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Vkontakte.ru. 5 steps to ridding
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"It's a pity that you can not be permanently removed from VKontakte" - lamenting some users the most popular in the vast expanses of the Internet social network.
In fact, to completely remove your account is impossible, we can only limit access to your account, and then, realizing the seriousness of the incident, one-hand everything back within a month.
However, in practice, not just once and for all break with the social network. Everything happens as if by pre-designed pattern: people come to their senses in a couple of days, showing surprisingly strong affection and devotion to their home account to communicate and friends.
For some, it may be relevant question delete your account and, in fact, why do it? There are several major reasons.
Someone runs away from dependence, realizing it only for a few hours.
Someone - the sudden surging and fully capture the virtual sense, or a broken heart.
Other long wanted, but somehow could not decide. Today boiling and want to take the last leap and get rid of this quagmire.
However, the emotions subside, and everything remains the same. What to do?
Those who do not want to imagine such a fate, determined to break with the past and delete your account permanently, you can do so on a simple but extremely effective scheme.
A total of 5 simple steps separate you from the long-awaited freedom. The main thing - stick to the detailed scheme, going step by step to the cherished dream. And all will turn out. After 15-20 minutes, the case will be finished. Once and for all.
So the 5 steps:
1. Create.
2. Remove.
3. constructs.
4. Change.
5. Get rid.
Yes, I'll talk a lot. See for yourself ...
B O N U S:
Please leave your feedback so that others can make your choice and get the Mega-Bonus:
• «VKontakte Mega-Pack»
Additional information
«VKontakte Mega-Pack» - this:
18 programs that will be useful and will greatly facilitate the life of all users VKontakte.ru:
1. IceIM (In Contact Extended Instant Messenger) - client software for easy communication on all known website Vkontakte.ru. Key features: send / receive messages to friends vkontakte, view other information, support for avatars of friends, visual notifications of new events (friends, photos, groups, meetings, video), history of messages, sound alerts, lots of skins, the status online, broadcast titles Winamp tracks the status of a site, a group in the contact list.
2. VKClient - do not want to part with VKontakte for a minute? VKClient Java-based application for mobile phones allows you to stay VKontakte even when you are not able to be online via a personal computer.
3. VKTray - programm hangs in the tray as an icon in the system tray, periodically checks for new messages on the site vkontakte.ru and informs about new messages flashing icon. When you click on the icon in the browser page opens communications to close the program, click on the icon in the system tray, right-click and select "Exit."
4. VKMusic - rocking and search and track with a huge base of mp3 files drenched users vkontakte.ru. VKMusic automates Finding Your audizapisey and download them to your computer, the music selection orgomen. Authorization is required.
5. VKPaint - risovalka / boot images vkontakte.ru help you add the desired item to your graffiti or completely move you like a picture on the wall of your friends. It supports two modes of operation, "redraw" pictures and download directly. Unlike sites offering the download of pictures, you do not have access to their illuminates uchetku third parties.
6. VKPicture has an intuitive interface and very easy to use. For programs of this level is a decisive factor, because at the slightest inconvenience utility is not used. All you need to do is to download the image to a friend - to run the program, select the property of others and the image (the latter performed a standard dialog box Windows). Do not forget to post it on the site click on the "Publish on the wall."
7. VKMusicScript - this script will help you to save audio files, users flooded VKontakte.ru to the computer. The script adds some buttons music download link and a link to quickly find the lyrics. Description use the script is attached.
8. VKVideoScript - this script will help you to save video files, users flooded VKontakte.ru to the computer. The script adds some movie download link. Description use the script is attached.
9. VKVideoGrabber - widget for the browser Opera, allowing to save any video files posted by users Vkontakte.ru.
10. VKStatus 1.0 - a program for managing statuses in contact, lets you quickly switch to "hot" status (prescribed in advance), making its status of multiline and hang in the tray.
11. VKToolBar 0.1 for Internet Explorer - Install the official toolbar for Internet Explorer and get instant notification of new messages, events, groups, etc. without visiting the site.
12. VKToolBar 0.5 for Firefox
13. VKToolBar Widget 0.2 for Opera
14. VKSovety - a collection of very useful tips Vkontakte.ru. It contains tips on viewing the "closed" user profiles "private" photos and more.
15. VKGetter - the program builds a map of friends and displays statistics: - the number of friends and friends of friends - most friendly friends - friends with whom most common friends - not the familiar people with whom you have the most friends in common - the most popular among your friends group - the most popular interests. Also, the program creates a page with links to home pages of friends ...
... And much more ...
Discover the secrets of VKontakte!
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