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Vladimir Shitov - openly (pdf)
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Uploaded: 12.06.2010
Content: v.shitov_-_with_an_open_visor.pdf 555,04 kB
Product description
- Hi, Boar - In later time and place of the meeting, he determined that the meeting was not random. - Are you waiting for me? - Yes! - Why am I needed you? - He asked. - You met the evening with his girlfriend? - Let's meet. - You know that the cops her under surveillance? - On the red "Zaporozhets" man and woman - showing off his knowledge, said Jakob. - They're the best. You did not lead them now to their homes? - Do you take me for whom? I threw it right at the first traffic light Bataisk - praised Jacob. - But still the number of your cars have remained - to reason with his boar. - It is possible - losing inspiration, agreed with him Jacob. - Tomorrow, you and your friends suffer the same fate, getting out from behind hidden behind a gas pistol belt, as it were, Regretting the unpleasant truth, said Kaban. - I ... A shot rang out a pistol from a distance of one meter cut him off again.
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