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Vladimir Shitov - "Below the blemish" (pdf)
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Uploaded: 12.06.2010
Content: v.shitov_-_behind_line_of_defect.pdf 552,87 kB
Product description
The novel "Below the vice" was written by me on documentary material. I did not have to imagine. All crimes, as well as persons who have committed them real, some maniacs I left their real names, changing the name and patronymic. Surname, name and patronymic of all victims are replaced by fictitious. Documentary novel, there is almost no lyricism, there is the pain of loss and suffering of the victims who have lost loved ones, and at the same bestial ecstasy maniacs their crimes. In real life, all the crimes committed in the two villages of the Krasnodar Territory, in the novel in the United Derevyankovsky area.
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