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Vladislav Letsik. Couple palmate untov.
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Uploaded: 21.06.2014
Content: 40621072118247.rar 227,33 kB
Product description
The book of the Far Eastern writer Vladislav Letsika includes novel ("Grandfather Byankin - private detective", "" Couple palmate untov ") and short stories (" Once upon a time is not necessary, "" Rooster with a silencer, "" God´s dew "), united by common characters living in the north of the Amur region. The book touched on people´s attitude to work, to nature, to each other. For the narrative manner of the writer characterized by humor and dynamic plot.
Year: 1984.
Additional information
File format Word. Excerpt: "... Ah, what Arkady could manage stacks! At the farm, there was a time as manage - he was asked. And by the way, is the one thing left. Arkasha as always standing on the haystack, and among stogometov was Albina, his neighbor two houses, a strong girl, so full and bulging out of the close dress. She, along with the men threw him upward long Stogova pitchforks caked with layers of past stacks (such navilnichki raised - God forbid!), And he would pick up their tenacious rake tip rovnenko tightening, commanding the top. Rick finished at dusk. All went to the car, and Arkady lingered: would still improve in some places, brush. He took a rake, went around the stack and came across Albina. Pulling necklines, she sharilas hand in his bosom, furiously to muzzle - seninki injected - and all her there luxuriantly round, teasing, turning white in the twilight. "Help me blow the something!" - Said ... "Download: Vladislav Letsik. Couple palmate untov.
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