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Volsky being in hostile relations (2008)
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Objective 1
Volsky being in hostile relations with his mother-in Pankrat'eva, he promised to make her life miserable. For this, he purchased the car Moskvich-412, dismantled the muffler, and then parked the car on the roadside under the windows of a private house Pankrat'eva daily and left the engine running for the period from 8 to 22 hours.
Pankrat'eva complained about the unbearable noise to the local policeman Laptev, stating that Volsky has no driver's license, the vehicle as a means of transport does not use, and has acquired and uses it exclusively for the purpose of discomfort Pankrat'eva.
Having considered the complaint, Laptev Pankrat'eva explained that Volsky is the legal owner of the vehicle, and therefore has the right to use their property at their discretion. Silence at night Volsky did not violate, the car is parked in a permitted place, and no one except Pankrat'eva, complaints against Volsky has been reported.
Pankrat'eva consulted a lawyer. What he has to give explanations Pankrat'eva? Analyze the situation and give a reasoned response to the full.
Task 2
Individual entrepreneurs without a legal entity Skins and Porokhov created as a limited partnership, the general partners. As a limited partner of was invited well-known in the city a theater Mironyan as an individual. Mironyanu explaining that his name will attract a lot of customers in a partnership, skin and gunpowder registered partnership with the following brand name: Limited partnership "Mironyan, Skins and the company."
After receiving orders and prepayments for a large sum, skin and powder disappeared.
Lenders partnership Mironyanu presented to the claim for payment of the entire amount of debt the company.
Analyze the situation.
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