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Welding of the non-turning joint of the oil pipeline
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 09.08.2017
Content: 6-Сборка и сварка неповоротного стыка нефтепровода 1020.zip 2885,12 kB
Product description
Course / diploma project "Assembly and welding of the non-rotating joint of the 1020 oil pipeline from bimetal"
Number of drawings - 2 pieces (A1), program - compass;
Pages of the explanatory note - 54.
Introduction 5
1. General part 6
1.2. Description of the product structure 6
1.3. Technical requirements for the manufacture of the product 8
1.4. Characteristics of basic construction materials 15
1.5. Blank production 17
1.5.1. Selection of blanks for the manufacture of products 17
1.5.2. Methods for preparing blanks 18
1.6. Selecting the type of projected production 18
2. Technological part 19
2.1. Technological scheme of product manufacturing 19
2.2. Choice of equipment for edge banding 20
2.3. Selection of welding method 21
2.4. Selection of welded connections 23
2.5. Calculation of welding modes 24
2.6. Selection of welding equipment 31
Welding head P600 34
2.7. Selection of accessories 36
3. Production part 39
3.2. Organization of blank production 39
3.3. Organization of welding and assembly area 39
3.4. Calculation of time norms 44
4. Quality control 47
4.1. Characteristics of types of quality control 47
4.2. Quality control methods 47
4.3. Equipment for quality control 49
5. Production safety 51
5.2. Safety requirements for welding operations 51
6. Conclusion 53
7. References 54
Additional information
Language of work - Russian
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