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Workshop on Business Assessment 2011 OJSC Molokoproduct
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MFPA Workshop on business valuation 2011 OJSC, Molokoproduct
Problem # 1. The purpose of the evaluation is to determine the market value of 100% of shares of "Molokoproduct" as of 01.01.2011, located in the Tver region. Given in this report assessment will be offered to potential investors to decide on the amount of investment in the production of dairy products. Schedule of study:from 01-20 Feb 2011.
Evaluate the market value of "Molokoproduct" income approach, if you have the following source information:
Task № 2. Using the information specified in table 7 – 10, determine the market value of "Molokoproduct" comparative approach.
Task № 3. Evaluate the market value of "Molokoproduct" cost approach.
Not reflected in the balance of the land area of 3 hectares. the Market value of 1 sq. m. of the earth is 48 000.
Task № 4. According to the results of task No. 1, 2 and 3 perform the matching of results and output the final value of the assessed enterprise.
Task № 5. Evaluate the resale value of OOO "Elma" 01.01.2009 Source and auxiliary materials are placed in tables No. 12-15. The discount rate, calculate and justify yourself (it can be different for different types of assets). The value of liabilities consists of accounts payable and is 7 500 000.
Task № 6. In determining the value of 100% stake in the company "XXX" has used the discounted cash flow method and net assets method, the result was obtained the following results:
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