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Xiaomi Mi account official unlock by IMEI
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 09.05.2019
Product description
Official factory unlock Xiaomi. The service completely clears your Mi Cloud device on the Xiomi server. Before ordering this service, it is better to email me - by clicking on the button - Ask a Question! All your questions ask before ordering services, and not after! CAREFULLY READ THE DESCRIPTION OF GOODS !!!
1. In the IMEI field of 15 digits of the phone, enter your IMEI (if this is a two-sim smartphone, then you need to specify IMEI1 and IMEI2 - without errors and without spaces)
2. Enter the link of the locked screen with the unlock number for customer service (unlock number to the customer servece) uploaded to Postimage.org into the Link window. Sample photo (https://unlock-code.ru/uploads/posts/mi-account-locked.jpg)
3. A link to the screen photo uploaded to Postimage.org, where it asks for a password, so that you can see the Mi ID of the account in the Link window 2. Sample photo (https://unlock-code.ru/uploads/posts/mi_account_lockscreen.png)
CLEAN are considered smartphones for which: See 6 photos above
1) The inscription is written on the smartphone screen under the lock icon - This device is locked
2) On the screen asking for the MI-account access code, an unlock number for customer service is written (unlock number to the customer service) Example: 2B713L874924 or 3EAX5X33P8YZ (you will have another number, this is an example)
3) If there is no number, try pressing the image above the lock over the phrase - ,, This device is locked ,, - If your phone is not clean, then the code for customer service will appear (see the location of the code in the photo above)
LOST are considered smartphones which have: See 5 photos above
* On the screen of the smartphone under the sign of the lock it is written - This device is lost (This device is lost)
* Unlock number to the customer service is not written on the smartphone screen
If your smartphone is on the wanted list - LOST - then DO NOT ORDER THIS SERVICE !!!!!!!! - Money, for the ordered unlocking of a smartphone that is being sought, DO NOT RETURN.
1) Download the Mi Flash Pro program to your computer (https://xiaomifirmware.com/downloads/miflashpro/) (link to Yandex disk (https://yadi.sk/d/IqqbZrwDACHzaw) and Qualcomm driver (https: // yadi .sk / d / aDMW2ob1HD3ZmQ) and MKT (https://yadi.sk/d/X-PMqfkkq62jgQ) and run.
2) Put the phone into the Recovery mode (hold the "volume +" button and power), select Connect with MIAssistant and connect it to the computer. On the Recovery tab, both IMEI or one will be visible. It happens that with some models does not show IMEI in MIFlashPro. In this case, you have to disassemble the phone and on the board there should be a sticker with IMEI.
My contacts here are https://plati.market/seller/vadim-06051985/367658, where you will find all my products
Additional information
Immediately after payment you will receive a form to fill in the registration data, in which you will need to fill in the following fields:
- Email address (email)
- IMEI1 and IMEI2
- link to the photo with the unlock code on Postimage.org
- link to the photo with MI ID on Postimage.org
These data will be transferred to the seller to complete the transaction of sale of goods.
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