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Задача Д2 Вариант 79 (рис. 7 усл. 9) теормех Тарг 1988
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Сразу после оплаты Вы получите качественное, проверенное решение задачи Д2 В79 (рисунок 7 условие 9) по термеху из решебника Тарга С.М. 1988 года для заочников. Решение выполнено по методическим указаниям и контрольным заданиям для студентов-заочников энергетических и других специальностей ВУЗов. Решение оформлено в формате word, упаковано в архив zip. Также решение входит в состав товара с оптовой скидкой: "Тарг С.М. 1988 решение 10-ти задач вариант 14".
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Solution of the D2 version 79 of teormeh of Taskbook Targ SM 1988 .. Check out the problem of Dynamics 2 (p. 36 in the training manual Targ SM): The mechanical system consists of a rectangular vertical plate 1 mass m1 = 24 kg and the weight of the cargo D m2 = 8 kg; plate or moves around a horizontal guide (Fig. D2.0, D2.4), or rotates around the vertical axis z? lying in the plane of the plate (Fig. D2.5-D2.9) At time t0 = 0 load begins to move under the action of internal forces existing on the plate chute; law of motion s = AD = F (t) is given in Table. D2, where s is expressed in meters, t - in seconds. Form trough in Fig. D2.0, A.2.1, D2.8, D2.9 - straight (trough KE) in Fig. A 2.7-D2.2 - a circle of radius R = 0.8 m from the center of the center of mass of C1 plates (s = AD in Fig. D2.2 - A 2.7 measured on the arc of the circle). Plate (Fig. D2.0, D2.4) is the time t0 = 0 the velocity v0 = 0. plate (Fig D2.5-D2.9) has at time t0 = 0 the angular velocity w0 = 8 s-1 at which point it starts to act torque M (moment about an axis) specified in the table in newton and directed both w0 for M> 0, and in the opposite direction when M <0. The z-axis extends from the center C1 at a distance plate b; Plate sizes are shown in the figures. Assuming loads of material point and ignoring all resistances, determine shown in the table in columns 4 and 9, where indicated: in the column 4 (refers to Fig. D2.0, D2.4) xi - the movement of the plates from time t0 = 0 and ti c = i, v - speed of the plate at the time t1 = 1, N - total power of the normal pressure on the guide plate at time t = 1 (state where the force is directed); column 9 (refers to Fig. 5-9) w1 - angular velocity of the plate at the time t1 = 1, w = f (t) - the angular velocity of the plate as a function of time. In all the figures shown in the load position where s = AD> 0; for x <0 the load is on the other side of the point A.
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