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- Website Promotion 70
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Uploaded: 05.09.2010
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Product description
Protecting the population and territories from emergency situations - Shakhov VG
Textbook Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (Belarus). Prepared in accordance with the curriculum. Comprehensively examines the main man-made emergencies, natural and environmental causes and consequences of their occurrence, the system of public authorities to protect the population and territories from emergency situations, ways to protect people. Recommendations on self-defense in case of accidents at potentially dangerous facilities.
Designed for students and teachers of the institute. It can be a good help in writing a control work or essay.
Year of edition: 2002
The volume of the book: 103.
File format: WORD
The total file size: 144 kb
Date archive of 04-09-2010
Files are archived archiver WinRAR 3.80.
Buyers Be the first positive feedback, we will refund 20% of the value of the goods over the next - 10%, or donate one or more of other goods by an equivalent amount.
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