Album of tasks on the engineering drawing

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Product description

Album of tasks on the engineering drawing Album of tasks on the engineering drawing Album of tasks on the engineering drawing Album of tasks on the engineering drawing Album of tasks on the engineering drawing

Album of tasks on the engineering drawing


1.Chertezh puller:
1.1 The drawing details - Screw
1.2 The drawing details - Foot
1.3 The drawing details - Tip
1.4 The drawing details - Leather
1.5 The drawing details - Traverse
1.6 Assembly drawing - Puller

2. Sketch bolting and welding connections
3. Descriptive Geometry
4. Schematic diagram
5. The title page to the task assembly drawing
6. The title page of the album to the tasks on the engineering drawing

+ Bonus 3D model of a stripper. 5 parts and assembly

The drawings are in the program Kompas 3D v13

Additional information

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