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Text control work on discipline "Nature" RIU TANTAL
Task 1.
Question 1. What is the violation of the relationship between man and nature, which is characterized by a mismatch between the development of productive forces and the resource-environmental features of the biosphere?
1. The economic crisis
2. Environmental Monitoring
3. anthropogenic pollution
4. environmental crisis
5. Sustainable development
Question 2. What is the scientific discipline that studies the human use of the natural environment to meet their needs?
1. Environment
2. Statistics
3. Economy
4. science
5. nature
Question 3. What is the task of nature?
1. The search for methods of management, taking into account the natural balance of the environment and improving the natural potential
2. Statistical data processing
3. The study of the relationship of living organisms with the environment
4. The development of a systematic approach
5. The study of the body's ability to adapt to changing conditions of environment
Question 4: What is the scope of life on Earth?
1. biocenose
2. Biosphere
3. lithosphere
4. hydrosphere
5. troposphere
Question 5. Who created the doctrine of the biosphere?
1. A. Smith
2. Ricardo
3. Vernadsky
4. Mendel
5. A. Marshall
Task 2.
Question 1. What is the matter of the biosphere, formed as a result of joint activity of organisms and abiogenous processes such as soil, water environment?
1. The inert substance
2. The synthetic substance
3. Nutrients
4. bioinert substance
5. living matter
Question 2. What is the function of the living matter of the biosphere, through which emerged the modern composition of the atmosphere?
1. The function of the gas
2. destructive function
3. The function of the concentration
4. redox function
5. Energy Function
Question 3. What is the anthropogenic factor?
1. The presence of a highly human brain
2. High productivity
3. The impact of human activities on the environment
4. a person's ability to overcome the environmental crisis
5. biological similarities between anthropoids
Question 4: What is the noosphere?
1. The shells of the Earth's geological structure and power are determined by the overall activity of living organisms
2. The outer hard shell of the Earth
3. The future of the biosphere evolution of overcoming the negative consequences of mankind human impact on nature
4. The set of technological changes on the planet
5. The combination of social factors specific to the state of society
Question 5. Which of the following factors may be considered as a prerequisite for the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere?
1. The exploitation of renewable resources at a rate exceeding the possibility of recovery
2. The growth and improvement of military equipment
3. The development of space research
4. The greenhouse effect
5. scientific, technical and cultural unification of the whole of humanity
Task 3.
Question 1. In which years before the economic science there was a problem understanding current trends of ecological and economic development and the development of innovative concepts of development?
1. 80th. XIX century.
2. 20-ies. XX century.
3. 50-ies. XX century.
4. 70th. XX century.
5. 90th. XX century.
Question 2. What is the economy the front?
1. The model of technogenic type of economic development
2. The set of environmental quality standards
3. The system of measures aimed at the preservation of the natural environment
4. The model of sustainable economic development of type
5. The system of measures aimed at the education of the human respect for nature
Question 3. What is characteristic of the type of sustainable economic development?
1. rapid and debilitating use of non-renewable natural resources
2. The development of the economy, does not im
Additional information
Task 7.
Question 1. What is the scientific discipline that studies the economic aspects of sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the environment?
1. Economic Geography
2. Social Ecology
3. environmental economics
4. regionalism
5. economic statistics
Question 2. Do you think that some of the national wealth of our country could make the natural resources?
1. 5%
2. 10%
3. 25%
4. 40%
5. 75%
Question 3. What is the formula determines the price of land rents P using R (r - coefficient whose value is determined by the percentage of bank)?
1. P = R / r
2. P = Rr
3. P = R
4. P = R / (1 + r)
5. P = R (1 + r)
Question 4. What is the approach to the assessment of natural resources, summation of expenses for preparation and use of natural resources?
1. The market valuation
2. The cost approach
3. The rental approach
4. The concept of total economic value
5. The concept of opportunity cost
Question 5: What is the differential rent?
1. The verification of compliance with requirements for the protection of the environment
2. the actual and potential losses
3. The fee for environmental pollution
4. The fee for natural resources
5. The profits resulting from a more favorable position used natural resource
Task 8.
Question 1: What determines the cost-effectiveness of the protection of the human environment?
1. Payments for nature
2. Payments for environmental pollution
3. profits derived as a result of maintaining the purity and productivity of the natural environment
4. The loss of the economy associated with environmental pollution
5. The system of indicators of the quality of the environment
Question 2. What is the method allows to take into account the costs and benefits of environmental activities over an extended period of time?
1. The regulation of environmental quality
2. Discounting
3. monitoring
4. environmental auditing
5. The environmental assessment
Question 3. What studies the social ecology?
1. The relationship between human society and the natural environment
2. relations within human society
3. The totality of all forms of exploitation of nature
4. The individual communication individual with the environment
5. community living organisms in ecosystems
Question 4: What is the substance formed during the combustion of fuel is the most carcinogenic?
1. Carbon dioxide
2. sulfur dioxide
3. benzopyrene
4. sulfide
5. sulfuric acid
Question 5. Which substance is the main source of environmental pollution by lead?
1. soot
2. calcareous dust
3. Pesticides
4. leaded petrol
5. Plastics
Task 9.
Question 1. What is meant by the social damage caused by pollution?
1. The decline in the growth of production
2. The reduction of material wealth and the rate of social and cultural development of society
3. The decrease in the gross domestic product
4. The economic assessment of natural resources
5. The unstable economic environment
Item 2. Implementation of some of the environmental programs will translate the power of Russia in the new technologies that reduce emissions?
1. "Chemical Safety"
2. "Fire safety and social protection"
3. "Integrated use and reproduction of wood raw material"
4. "Clean Energy"
5. "Ecological Safety of Russia"
Question 3. What is the program belongs to the industry scientific and technical programs of ecological orientation?
1. "Action Plan of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and natural resources for 1996 - 1997"
2. "Technology, machines and the production of the future"
3. "High Tech"
4. "Environmental security at chemical enterprises"
5. "State Strategy of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection and Sustainable
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