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She or Marry at the second meeting
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Uploaded: 28.09.2019
Content: Она или Замуж на второй встрече.pdf 6883,86 kB
Product description
If you are looking for answers to the following questions below, then you made the right choice by looking at this book: How to save a husband’s love forever? Secrets of raising children in the family and school? How to become successful in small business? How to adapt in Germany? Where is interesting to travel? How to prolong your youth and remain active and interesting for many years? How to treat envious? Are you interested in painting? Love books full of exciting stories? Look for psychological conclusions, proven practical life, able to help solve your problems? Here you will find the answers! And, in general, it´s just Her love and life story, in which all these questions had to find the right solutions!
The novel is written on the basis of real events in which many will be able to recognize themselves, despite the fact that there are no names in it, instead of them pronouns and nominal nouns, which makes it possible to quickly navigate in the characters. The author for the first time presents to review 16 of his paintings as an artist, and you are one of his first viewers. The author is grateful to his readers for the fact that part of the most precious thing in life is time, they devoted to his work.
Additional information
The book is one of those that must be read to the end, because it covers a lot of topics and they, like the stories, constantly change each other and the most interesting and useful for you can be at the end. The book will be of interest to students and seniors, as it contains many examples of how to get out of a difficult situation on the exams, teachers and parents as an experience of raising children, is a motivator for small business workers, and women will help to love themselves and keep the love of her husband for many years to come. For many men it will be useful to know the opinion not only of the author, but also of all women, that since the term "happiness" means the majority of people mean family, it is for the family, and not for friends or neighbors to be always authoritative. The author, having a wide experience of work with people, has made own gradation of people on types on characters and deeds that will help you to understand people.
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