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The task of civil law
Content: 40929115301453.docx 19,63 kB
50 $ | the discount is | 20% |
25 $ | the discount is | 10% |
Product description
Thirteen-year high school student N city Petrov at recess knocked over a twelve-year student Ivanov, as a result, she received a head injury. Ivanova´s mother filed a lawsuit against the parents Petrova of reimbursement for the purchase of medicines in the amount of 482 rubles 46 kopecks, and compensation for moral damages in the amount of 7,000 rubles. The decision of the City Court with each parent Petrova was recovered 241 rubles 23 kopecks in reimbursements for treatment Ivanova and 2,500 rubles in compensation for moral damage caused to it.
Rate the correctness of the decision of the court.
Additional information
Legal problems with answers, the answer to the problem of law, Ready meet the challenges of law tasks by right answers, the solution on the right answers
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