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Train Simulator Norfolk South CoalDistrict Steam DLC
Product description
Train Simulator Norfolk Southern Coal District Route Addon PC
⚡ Attention! For launch, Train Simulator is required.
Release date: July 17, 2014
Age rating: 6
Developer: Dovetail Games
Publisher: Dovetail Games
Localization: completely in Russian
Activation System: Steam
Region: Russia
The beautiful suburban line of Mon, laid through the very heart of the state of Pennsylvania, the USA, now as a route for Train Simulator, will introduce you to coal trains in a mile long and an unusual section of the railway, which runs right along the city street. The Monongaelah Railway was a joint project of PENNSYLVANIA RALILRAD (PRR) and PittSburgh and Lake Erie Railroad (P LE). In the early 1900s, these two companies purchased many railway branches in the area, and by 1930 the Monongaela route (‘Mon’ line) had a total length of more than 170 miles, and served numerous coal mines. The Norfolk Southern company has been owned by the CSX of the path today CSX Transportation. On the route there are several coal mines, the largest of which, Bailey Mine and Emerald Mine, are connected by railway with a cargo park in West Brownsville, from where carbon trains continue their way to power plants or ports, to send coal to exports. About 20 million tons of coal are transported, most of which are further overloaded to river river barges. The main part of the route consists of four branches: Manor, Ten Mile Run, West Browsville and Loveridge. In addition, the route includes a section where cars are forced to divide with full -sized freight trains a section of the central street in the city of West Browsville. The route profile is relatively smooth, since the road is laid along the Monongaela River to the Millsboro settlement, and then along the Mile Creek stream to Waynesburg station and mine Emerald Mine. Then the route makes a turn to the northeast, following the bends of the Browns Creek stream. The last 15 miles pass through a truly virgin nature and end in a reversal ring at the Bailey mine, after which the coal mining area ends. The market includes a 50-mile section of the Bailey Mine-West Brownsville and the ES44AC GE Evolution series in the color of the Norfolk Southern. Lokomotiv has a power of 4,000 hp. and develops the maximum speed of 75 miles/h, which makes it the ideal diesel locomotive for working with long coal trains on the Mon line. You can independently immerse coal into wagons using the current loading devices at the Bailey Mine and Emerald Mine mines, and then use all your experience of driving the train, following the branch along the Monongala River, which includes ways For scrap metal north of Browsville, a repair base for barges and construction tracks in the south, as well as a transshipment base in Alicia. Species: Training: ES44AC - Advanced Management
Training: ES44AC - Simplified Management
Coal from the shaft of Emerald
Heavyweight - part 1
Energy source
Driving on a Manor performance branch: 50-mile Mon line from Bailey Mine to West Browsville
10-mile branch along the eastern bank of the Monongaela River River
ES44 AC diesel locomotive in the color of Norfolk Southern
Coal hoppers G11, empty and loaded version.
Bailey Mine and Emerald Mine mine loading function
Diesel locomotive Dash 9-44CW (only in AI traffic)
Scenarios for the route
Compatible with the "Fast game" mode
Volume of uploaded files: 1 286 MB
Additional information
Addition items for the current software:
Train Simulator 2017 Standard Edition (steam) - https://plati.market/itm/2466387
Train Simulator 2018 (steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/2463059
Train Simulator 2019 (Steam key) - https://plati.market/itm/2541820
Train Simulator BR 266 Loco AddOn (steam key) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466672
Train Simulator BR Class 35 Loco AddOn (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466673
Train Simulator BR Reg Railw Class 101 DMU steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466675
Train Simulator Chatham Medway Route Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2480023
Train Simulator Class A4 Pacifics Loco Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466676
Train Simulator CSX SD80MAC Loco AddOn (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466678
Train Simulator DB BR 145 Loco AddOn key DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466680
Train Simulator DB BR 152 Loco AddOn key DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466683
Train Simulator DB BR 442 Talent 2 EMU (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466684
Train Simulator DB Schenker Class 592 Loco Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466682
Train Simulator DR BR 86 Loco AddOn (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466685
Train Simulator DRGW SD9 Loco AddOn (steam key) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466679
Train Simulator Duchess of Sutherland Loco Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466687
Train Simulator East Coast Main London-Spb steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466772
Train Simulator First Capital CC 321 EMU (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466689
Train Simulator GreatEastern LondonIpswich Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466782
Train Simulator HamburgHanover Route AddOn Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466690
Train Simulator LGV Marseille Avignon Rout Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466692
Train Simulator LGV RhneAlpes Mditerrane Route DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2662051
Train Simulator LiverpoolManchester Route Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466693
Train Simulator London to Brighton Route (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466694
Train Simulator Miami Commuter F40PHL2 Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466778
Train Simulator Miami West Palm Beach Rout Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466696
Train Simulator Midland Main LondonBedford Steam - https://plati.market/itm/2466781
Train Simulator MRCE BR 1855 Loco AddOn (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466697
Train Simulator Munich GarmischPartenkirch Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466780
Train Simulator Munich Rosenheim Route (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466698
Train Simulator New Haven FL9 Loco AddOn (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466700
Train Simulator Norfolk GP382 HighHoodLoco Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466775
Train Simulator Norfolk South CoalDistrict Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466779
Train Simulator North Jersey Coast Line (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466776
Train Simulator North London Line Route (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466701
Train Simulator North Wales Coastal Route Ext. - https://plati.market/itm/2662050
Train Simulator Pacific Surfliner LA SD (steam) DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466777
Train Simulator Rhine Mannheim Karlsruhe Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466774
Train Simulator Soldier Summit Route AddOn Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466703
Train Simulator South London Network Route Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466710
Train Simulator Weardale Teesdale Network Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466773
Train Simulator West Rhine Kln Koblenz Rut steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466704
Train Simulator West Somerset Railway Rut Steam DLC - https://plati.market/itm/2466706
Train Simulator Woodhead El
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